Bring Out Youth To You
Request a training, presentation, or outreach event with us!
Out Youth has 34 years of expertise in serving the LGBTQIA2S+ youth community in Central Texas and our partner communities.
We offer our speakers and trainings on a number of topics relevant to LGBTQIA2S+ youth and the people who care about them. As well, we are available to participate in community events related to our work in the area.
To make a speaking or training request, email
“I had never heard of Out Youth until a few days ago when, considering this week’s school board
meeting [to vote on removing protections for transgender students] and where to give our family’s monthly charitable contribution, I came across your organization and donated a small amount.
Imagine my surprise and delight when you showed up today to speak so pointedly on behalf of our students and their families. It meant a lot having advocates from the community there as well.””
“Words cannot explain how awesome the LGBTQIA+ 101 and Advocacy session was, and how eye-opening the house tour was, too! We are so grateful for your impactful presence in Texas.””
“Out Youth connected me to parent groups, cultural centers, and offered their help, too, so my family could feel better moving to Texas with our trans son. Now he attends pre-teen drop in and got to meet kids that also attend his new middle school!
Out Youth made us feel like we already had a home before we arrived in Texas. ”
“Thank you for the LGBTQ2S+ 101 webinar! We found the information so useful and hope to continue integrating it as part of our training for new hires and core volunteers. ”
“Thank you so much for your contributions to the webinar! The way it evolved from informational to pulling in current events while also promoting inclusive media created such a strong sense of solidarity.”