Oyo’s GEMs - Double Your Pride Impact
Double Your Pride Impact with Oyo’s GEMs!
Double Your Pride Impact with Oyo’s GEMs!
Join our new monthly giving family and support LGBTQIA+ youth all year long!

This Pride Month, we're excited to launch Oyo’s GEMs – our new monthly giving family! Your monthly gift ensures continuous support for LGBTQIA+ youth, making a lasting impact every month.

Every dollar you give will be matched, doubling your impact and helping us reach our $25,000 goal.

Who is Oyo?

Oyo (they/them) is Out Youth’s mascot! This non-binary, rainbow-maned unicorn represents the uniqueness, vibrance, and joy of our community and everyone in it!

Oyo the Unicorn


💎 Exclusive Updates: Receive special updates on the impact of your donation and the latest news from Out Youth.

🎟️ Early Event Access: Get early access to tickets for Out Youth events.

🏆 Recognition: Your name will be proudly displayed on our virtual donor wall and in our annual report.

🎁 Special Perks: Enjoy unique perks throughout the year, such as GEM-only events and a few other surprises.

Thank you to our dazzling GEMs!

We are grateful for the generosity of our Oyo's GEMs. Your support helps us provide essential services and create a brighter future for LGBTQIA+ youth. Thank you for being a part of our community. Become a GEM today and be added to our virtual donor wall! Coming soon!

Choose Your Level:

❤️ Ruby ($10/mo or $120/yr): Your donation can provide one month (4 sessions) of free therapy for an LGBTQIA+ young person with our licensed counselors.
💚 Emerald ($25/mo or $300/yr): Your donation can provide one month of snacks for youth in our Drop-In Center, which is open three nights per week for pre-teens, teens, and young adults.
💙 Sapphire ($50/mo or $600/yr): Your donation can provide 30 new books for Out Youth’s Jerry Strickland, Jr. Memorial Library – Texas’ largest privately managed library of LGBTQIA+ literature.
🖤 Onyx ($100/mo or $1200/yr): Your donation can provide one month of funding for our Family Support Services, which includes family counseling, caregiver support group, and office hours for children and families.
🤍 Moonstone ($250/mo or $3000/yr): Your donation can provide one month of funding for our Drop-In Center, which is open three nights per week for pre-teens, teens, and young adults.

Ready to Make a Difference? Shine Brighter, Change Lives!

Join Oyo’s GEMs today and double your impact. Your monthly gift helps us create a brighter future for LGBTQIA+ youth.

Join the GEMs

Out Youth is committed to supporting LGBTQIA+ youth and their families through affirming programs and services. Thank you for helping us make a difference every day.